Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The best Places For Honeymoon

The best Places For Honeymoon

1. Bora Bora - French Polynesia
2. Santorini - Greece
3. Sonoma - California
4. Paris - France
5. Orkney - Scotland
6. Venice - Italy
7. Harbour Island - Bahamas
8. Cape Town - South Africa
9. Savannah - Georgia
10. Maldives


1. Bali - Indonesia
2. Koh Tao - Thailand
3. Koh Samui - Thailand
4. Sri Lanka - India
5. Chiang Mai - Thailand
6. Cambodia
7. Langkawi - Malaysia
8. El Nido - Philippines
9. Sabah - Malaysia (Malaysian Borneo)
10. Yoshino - Japan

By : Deejay Ain

Saturday, September 10, 2016

High blood protein

High blood protein


High blood protein (hyperproteinemia) is an increase in the concentration of protein in the bloodstream. High blood protein is not a specific disease or condition in itself, but it might indicate you have a disease.
High blood protein rarely causes signs or symptoms on its own. But sometimes it is uncovered while you're having blood tests done as part of an evaluation for some other problem or symptom.


    Possible causes of high blood protein include:
    1. Bone marrow disorder
    2. Multiple myeloma
    3. Amyloidosis
    4. Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)
    5. Chronic inflammatory conditions
    6. HIV/AIDS
    7. Dehydration (which may make blood proteins appear falsely elevated)
    A high-protein diet doesn't cause high blood protein.
    High blood protein is not a specific disease or condition in itself. It's usually a laboratory finding uncovered during the evaluation of a particular condition or symptom. For instance, although high blood protein is found in people who are dehydrated, the real problem is that the blood plasma is actually more concentrated.
    Certain proteins in the blood may be elevated as your body fights an infection or some other inflammation. People with certain bone marrow diseases, such as multiple myeloma, may have high blood protein levels before they show any other symptoms.

    The role of proteins

    Proteins are large, complicated molecules that are vital to the function of all cells and tissues. They are made in many places throughout your body and circulate in the blood.
    Proteins take a variety of forms — such as albumin, antibodies and enzymes — and have many different functions including:
    • Helping you fight disease
    • Regulating body functions
    • Building muscles
    • Transporting drugs and other substances throughout the body

    When to see a doctor

    If your doctor discovers high blood protein during an evaluation, he or she may recommend additional tests to determine if there is an underlying problem.
    A total protein test can determine whether you have high blood protein. Other more-specific tests can help determine where it's coming from, for instance, the liver or the bone marrow. A serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP) test measures individual blood proteins. It can reveal which specific protein type is causing your high blood protein levels. Your doctor may use a SPEP if he or she suspects you have a bone marrow disease.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Zika Virus

Zika Virus

  • >  A member of the virus family Flaviviridae and the genus Flavivirus, 
  • >  transmitted by daytime-activeAedes mosquitoes, such as A. aegypti and A. albopictus.
  • >  Its name comes from the Zika Forest of Uganda, where the virus was first isolated in 1947.

  Symptoms ( Normally  last for 2-7 days )
  •     Fever
  •       Rash
  •       Joint pain
  •       Conjunctivitis (Red Eye)
  •        Muscle pain 
  •        Headache

1.  The symptoms of Zika are similar to those of dengue and chikungunya, diseases spread through the same mosquitoes that transmit Zika
2.  See your healthcare provider if you develop the symptoms described above and have visited an area where Zika is found.
3.  If you have recently traveled, tell your healthcare provider when and where you traveled.
4.  Your healthcare provider may order specialized blood tests to look for Zika or other similar viruses like dengue or chikungunya.
      1.There is no vaccine  to prevent or specific medicine to treat Zika infections.
2.Treat the symptoms:
3.Get plenty of rest.
4. Drink fluids to prevent dehydration.
5.Take medicine such as acetaminophen (Tylenol®) to relieve fever and pain.
6.Do not take aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
7.If you are taking medicine for another medical condition, talk to your healthcare provider before  taking additional medication.
8.Prevent mosquito bites for the first week of your illness.
9.During the first week of infection, Zika virus can be found in the blood and passed from an infected
10.person to a mosquito through mosquito bites.
11.An infected mosquito can then spread the virus to other people.

During Pregnancy

Zika virus RNA was detected in the amniotic fluid of two pregnant women whose fetuses had microcephaly, indicating that the virus had crossed the placenta and could have caused a mother-to-child infection.

Provider guidelines for pregnant women and women of reproductive age. The new recommendations include offering serologic testing to pregnant women without Zika fever symptoms who have returned from areas with ongoing Zika virus transmission in the last 2–12 weeks.

For pregnant women without Zika symptoms living in such areas, they recommend testing at the beginning of prenatal care and follow-up testing in the fifth month of pregnancy.

Travel guidance on affected countries, including the use of enhanced precautions and guidelines for pregnant women including considering postponing travel. Other governments or health agencies soon issued similar travel warnings while Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, and Jamaica advised women to postpone getting pregnant until more is known about the risks.

Friday, January 15, 2016


1. Limau nipis & kapur sirih
Gunakan limau nipis dengan kapur untuk membantu menghilangkan kesan hitam celah ketiak dan celah peha. Caranya sangat mudah iaitu dengan mencampurkan perahan limau nipis dengan sedikit kapur lalu sapukan ditempat yang hitam itu, celah ketiak ataupun celah peha. Sapu dan gosok perlahan sahaja kerana dikhuatiri akan menyebabkan luka yang boleh memedihkan. Biarkan selama lebih kurang 15minit sebelum dibilas dengan air bersih.  Amalkan 3x seminggu untuk hasil yang memuaskan.
2. Parutan lemon & timun
Cuci celah ketiak dan celah peha menggunakan parutan lemon dan timun. Biarkan selama lebih kurang 20minit sebelum dibilas.
3. Batu tawas
Gunakan batu tawas untuk menggosok kawasan yang bermasalah. Hanya perlu campurkan tawas dengan air dan gosok tempat gelap bawah ketiak dan celah peha dengan menggunakan span. Gosok beberapa minit sebelum dibersihkan dengan air .
4. Ubat gigi
Hanya letakkan sedikit sahaja ubat gigi ditempat yang hitam itu dan biarkan hanya 5 minit sebelum dicuci..jangan letak banyak nanti panas. Dan jangan biarkan terlalu lama.
5. Amalkan tips bercukur yang betul
Pastikan pencukur yang anda gunakan betul2 tajam. Cukur dengan cara yang betul iaitu mengikut arah bulu tumbuh dan gunakan krim pencukur. Jangan lawan arah..nanti boleh menyebabkan luka dan kulit menjadi kasar.
6. Scrub
Anda boleh amalkan Scrub dengan kerap untuk menganggalkan sel-sel kulit yang mati. Hasilnya pasti memuaskan kerana ianya  akan menggalakkan pertumbuhan sel yang baru & hasilnya kulit anda akan lebih putih. Amalkan selalu untuk mendapatkan kesan yang memberangsangkan.
Masa mandi tu ambil masa beberapa minit je..gosok kawasan2 terlindung tu dengan kerap..untuk membantu membuang sel-sel mati. Sel-sel mati yang tak dibuang inilah yang akan menyebabkan kawasan berkenaan menjadi. Jika dibiarkan kesan hitam ini makin sukar untuk dihilangkan.